2 forces in Spiritual Battle

1 Sam 30:21-25 tells of David's making mention of those who go to battle and those who guard the equipments, that both should enjoy the blessings they have gained from winning a battle.


With this, we are made to look into 2 forms of service God requires in the battle. The first one are those who are in the very battle front. The next are those quiet supporters.

Yes, battles are won by those who are at the very front, but we cannot discount those with efficiency of support in helping those at the forefront. So, both are equally important.

Failure to realize this can mean disaster and defeat. If those with the support force do not do their part or neglect their supposed share of help, then battles will be hard to win. It helps to encourage those at the front with an equally ally - the support force.

In the New Testament, Paul is one example who's been on the very spiritual war front. But he attributed his victory from those churches who supported him.

Today, lets pray for both the spiritual frontliners and those called as support force.


God has revealed Himself as the Creator of all things and Redeemer of mankind who is infinitely perfect and eternally manifested as triune being, Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

Gen 1.1 , Isa. 43.11, Matthew 28.19

Scripture Inspired

1 the old and new testaments are the inspired Word of God whereby we find the final divine authority for all Christian faith and practice

2 Tim 3. 15 - 17


1The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who shares in the Deity of God. He is also truly man who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for sin and arose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is now at the right hand of the Father as our High priest and Advocate.

Matthew 1. 23